Blog search results for 'Javier Castro'

Showing 5 of 5 results

Monitoring GKE audit logs

Blog / Engineering / Monitoring GKE audit logs

Monitoring GKE audit logs on your Kubernetes infrastructure is vital for improving your security posture, for detecting possible intrusions, and more

Monitor Office 365 with Wazuh

Blog / Engineering / Monitor Office 365 with Wazuh

Microsoft provides a single pane of glass for all Office 365 tasks through the Office 365 management APIs. This includes service communications, security, compliance, reporting and auditing related events. Wazuh can...

Get ready for GDPR

Blog / Engineering / Get ready for GDPR

Lately, not only the tech and related communities, but also pretty much everyone else has heard of GDPR, the new standards for security compliance. GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) has...