Using Wazuh and TheHive for threat protection and incident response

| by | Wazuh 4.2
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Wazuh is a unified SIEM and XDR platform that you can use to protect your infrastructure. A SIEM is essential to security operations, and in many instances, Security Operations Centers (SOCs) use it together with a case management system to:

  • Create cases from alerts
  • Assign the cases to different members of the SOC team
  • Keep track of the cases until the incident is resolved.

Some case management systems can also serve as a knowledge base for the SOC to refer to when similar incidents occur over time. One of such case management systems is TheHive Project.

TheHive is a scalable, open source, and free security incident response platform designed to make life easier for SOCs, CSIRTs, CERTs, and any information security practitioner dealing with security incidents that need to be investigated and acted upon swiftly.

TheHive has REST APIs that make it possible to integrate with various security solutions in order to collect security events and alerts for further investigation and case tracking. In this article, we show how Wazuh is integrated with TheHive.

The integration is tested on Wazuh version 4.2.5 and TheHive version 4.1.18-1. The following prerequisites are required before doing the integration:

  • A Wazuh manager. The installation guide can be found here.
  • TheHive server installed and running. The setup guide can be found here.

The setup in the following sections shows how to create the organization and the users on TheHive, and then how to integrate with Wazuh.

Prepare TheHive

We create a new organization on TheHive web interface and with an administrator account.

TheHive web interface

In Test Organization, we create a new user with organization administrator privileges.

TheHive Test Organization

This user has permissions to manage the organization, including creating new users, managing cases, and alerts, amongst others. We also create a password for this user so that we can log in to view the dashboard and manage cases. This is done by clicking on “New password” beside the user account and entering the desired password.

 Click on “New password” beside the user account and entering the desired password

The integration with Wazuh is possible with the aid of TheHive REST API. Therefore, we need a user on TheHive that can create alerts via the API. We create an account with an “analyst” privilege for this purpose.

We create an account with the privilege of an “analyst” for this purpose

For the next step, we generate the API key for the user:

For the next step, we generate the API key for the user

In order to extract the API key, we reveal the key to view and copy it out for future use:

We reveal the key to view and copy it out for future use

Configure Wazuh manager

First of all, we install TheHive Python module:

sudo /var/ossec/framework/python/bin/pip3 install thehive4py==1.8.1

We create the custom integration script by pasting the following python code in /var/ossec/integrations/ The lvl_threshold variable in the script indicates the minimum alert level that will be forwarded to TheHive. The variable can be customized so that only relevant alerts are forwarded to TheHive:

import json
import sys
import os
import re
import logging
import uuid
from thehive4py.api import TheHiveApi
from thehive4py.models import Alert, AlertArtifact

#start user config

# Global vars

#threshold for wazuh rules level
#threshold for suricata rules level

debug_enabled = False
#info about created alert
info_enabled = True

#end user config

# Set paths
pwd = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))
log_file = '{0}/logs/integrations.log'.format(pwd)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#set logging level
if info_enabled:
if debug_enabled:
# create the logging file handler
fh = logging.FileHandler(log_file)
formatter = logging.Formatter('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s')

def main(args):
    logger.debug('#start main')
    logger.debug('#get alert file location')
    alert_file_location = args[1]
    logger.debug('#get TheHive url')
    thive = args[3]
    logger.debug('#get TheHive api key')
    thive_api_key = args[2]
    thive_api = TheHiveApi(thive, thive_api_key )
    logger.debug('#open alert file')
    w_alert = json.load(open(alert_file_location))
    logger.debug('#alert data')
    logger.debug('#gen json to dot-key-text')
    alt = pr(w_alert,'',[])
    logger.debug('#formatting description')
    format_alt = md_format(alt)
    logger.debug('#search artifacts')
    artifacts_dict = artifact_detect(format_alt)
    alert = generate_alert(format_alt, artifacts_dict, w_alert)
    logger.debug('#threshold filtering')
    if w_alert['rule']['groups']==['ids','suricata']:
        #checking the existence of the data.alert.severity field
        if 'data' in w_alert.keys():
            if 'alert' in w_alert['data']:
                #checking the level of the source event
                if int(w_alert['data']['alert']['severity'])<=suricata_lvl_threshold:
                    send_alert(alert, thive_api)
    elif int(w_alert['rule']['level'])>=lvl_threshold:
        #if the event is different from suricata AND suricata-event-type: alert check lvl_threshold
        send_alert(alert, thive_api)

def pr(data,prefix, alt):
    for key,value in data.items():
        if hasattr(value,'keys'):
    return alt

def md_format(alt,format_alt=''):
    md_title_dict = {}
    #sorted with first key
    for now in alt:
        now = now[1:]
        #fix first key last symbol
        dot = now.split('|||')[0].find('.')
        if dot==-1:
            md_title_dict[now.split('|||')[0]] =[now]
            if now[0:dot] in md_title_dict.keys():
    for now in md_title_dict.keys():
        format_alt+='### '+now.capitalize()+'\n'+'| key | val |\n| ------ | ------ |\n'
        for let in md_title_dict[now]:
            key,val = let.split('|||')[0],let.split('|||')[1]
            format_alt+='| **' + key + '** | ' + val + ' |\n'
    return format_alt

def artifact_detect(format_alt):
    artifacts_dict = {}
    artifacts_dict['ip'] = re.findall(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+',format_alt)
    artifacts_dict['url'] =  re.findall(r'http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+]|[!*\(\),]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+',format_alt)
    artifacts_dict['domain'] = []
    for now in artifacts_dict['url']: artifacts_dict['domain'].append(now.split('//')[1].split('/')[0])
    return artifacts_dict

def generate_alert(format_alt, artifacts_dict,w_alert):
    #generate alert sourceRef
    sourceRef = str(uuid.uuid4())[0:6]
    artifacts = []
    if 'agent' in w_alert.keys():
        if 'ip' not in w_alert['agent'].keys():
            w_alert['agent']['ip']='no agent ip'
        w_alert['agent'] = {'id':'no agent id', 'name':'no agent name'}

    for key,value in artifacts_dict.items():
        for val in value:
            artifacts.append(AlertArtifact(dataType=key, data=val))
    alert = Alert(title=w_alert['rule']['description'],
              description=format_alt ,
    return alert

def send_alert(alert, thive_api):
    response = thive_api.create_alert(alert)
    if response.status_code == 201:'Create TheHive alert: '+ str(response.json()['id']))
        logger.error('Error create TheHive alert: {}/{}'.format(response.status_code, response.text))

if __name__ == "__main__":

       logger.debug('debug mode') # if debug enabled       
       # Main function

    except Exception:

We create a bash script as /var/ossec/integrations/custom-w2thive. This will properly execute the .py script created in the previous step:

# Copyright (C) 2015-2020, Wazuh Inc.
# Created by Wazuh, Inc. <>.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of GP>


sudo chmod 755 /var/ossec/integrations/
sudo chmod 755 /var/ossec/integrations/custom-w2thive
sudo chown root:ossec /var/ossec/integrations/
sudo chown root:ossec /var/ossec/integrations/custom-w2thive
" DIR_NAME="$(cd $(dirname ${SCRIPT_PATH_NAME}); pwd -P)" SCRIPT_NAME="$(basename ${SCRIPT_PATH_NAME})" case ${DIR_NAME} in */active-response/bin | */wodles*) if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/../..; pwd)" fi PYTHON_SCRIPT="${DIR_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}.py" ;; */bin) if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/..; pwd)" fi PYTHON_SCRIPT="${WAZUH_PATH}/framework/scripts/${SCRIPT_NAME}.py" ;; */integrations) if [ -z "${WAZUH_PATH}" ]; then WAZUH_PATH="$(cd ${DIR_NAME}/..; pwd)" fi PYTHON_SCRIPT="${DIR_NAME}/${SCRIPT_NAME}.py" ;; esac ${WAZUH_PATH}/${WPYTHON_BIN} ${PYTHON_SCRIPT} $@

We change the files’ permission and the ownership to ensure that Wazuh has adequate permissions to access and run them:

The correct ownership for Wazuh 4.3.0 is root:wazuh


To allow Wazuh to run the integration script, we add the following lines to the manager configuration file located at /var/ossec/etc/ossec.conf. We insert the IP address for TheHive server along with the API key that was generated earlier:

sudo systemctl restart wazuh-manager

Restart the manager to apply the changes:

sudo systemctl restart wazuh-manager

Log into TheHive with our test user account, and we can see Wazuh generated alerts under the “Alerts” tab:

We can see Wazuh generated alerts under the “Alerts” tab

At this point, we can proceed to perform other standard TheHive actions on the alerts, such as creating cases on them or adding them to other existing cases.


Wazuh is a flexible security solution that integrates well with other solutions. It is open source and gives users the freedom to create and use custom integration scripts. This blog post shows that Wazuh integrates well with TheHive with the aid of custom scripts.
