Meet our team

Our team introduction

+200 professionals are committed to making Wazuh the leading open-source cybersecurity platform.

We work collaboratively

We believe that collaboration between different teams is part of the success of Wazuh.

Our community is our core

The open source spirit of Wazuh is our hallmark. We are very proud of our community and we are highly committed to it.

Our Leadership

Our team works hard every day to make Wazuh the largest and most widely used open source enterprise security platform in the world.

Santiago Bassett face photo
Santiago Bassett
Founder & CEO
Alberto González face photo
Alberto González
Javier Castro face photo
Javier Castro
Olga Montserrat face photo
Olga Montserrat
Gabriel Díaz face photo
Gabriel Díaz
Dashboard & CTI Director
David Iglesias face photo
David Iglesias
QA & Framework Director
Ana Martin face photo
Ana Martin
HR Director
Agustina O’Farrell face photo
Agustina O’Farrell
Marketing Director
Miguel Casares Robles face photo
Miguel Casares Robles
Operations Director EMEAI
María Pía Cáceres face photo
María Pía Cáceres
Customer Success Director
Alexander Bohorquez face photo
Alexander Bohorquez
Operations Director AMER
Francis Jeremiah face photo
Francis Jeremiah
Content Director
Víctor Fernández Castro face photo
Víctor Fernández Castro
Devel Director
Octavio Valle face photo
Octavio Valle
Core Director


Julio Casal face photo
Julio Casal
Pedro de Castro face photo
Pedro de Castro
Pablo Lopez-Tello face photo
Pablo Lopez-Tello

Our team is growing

Would you like to be part of a growing open
source project? We want to know about you!