Whether you are looking for an on-premises, cloud, or hybrid solution, Wazuh is ready to work wherever you need it and in the most convenient way for you.
Companies around
the world trust in Wazuh
Numbers speak
for themselves:
30 million downloads
per year
We protect trillions of dollars of enterprise value across millions of endpoints.
Trusted by Fortune 100 organizations and hundreds of thousands of companies.

Why customers choose Wazuh

Wherever and however you choose
Easy scalability
Wazuh allows high and simple scalability, and adapts to the diverse needs of all sorts of organization types and sizes.
A comprehensive platform
Wazuh offers a wide range of use cases and services that help users manage the security of their system. We provide 360-degree security with just one platform.
Enhanced performance
Our single lightweight agent can be deployed to your computers, virtual machines, and containers, and installed on most operating systems providing maximum efficiency.
What our customers
say about us
“We found in Wazuh the most complete security platform. We were seeking an open source SIEM solution that allowed scalability and integration with other tools, which made Wazuh the perfect fit. We achieved our goal and, in addition, we improved the visibility of our environment with the Wazuh monitoring options.”

“In addition to the great advantage of being an open source platform, Wazuh is also easy to deploy, and its multiple capabilities have allowed us to achieve our goal with security at Woop. Wazuh is a unique tool and it’s perfect for startups like Woop that are looking for top security at a competitive cost.”
“Thanks to the excellent support, even if a person doesn't know much about Wazuh, they will be able to achieve their objectives because the support team will back them up whenever needed.”
“In the face of challenges, we've pushed the limits and tested their capabilities multiple times. Without fail, the Wazuh team has risen to the occasion, swiftly addressing our concerns and resolving issues. Their unwavering commitment to our success has solidified our confidence in this partnership.”
“Wazuh is our War Horse when we offer our services to potential customers. Their success is our success.”
“The solid experience on the fundamentals of a SIEM engine, and the flexibility offered with the agents is what made us trust in Wazuh as a long-term Strategic Partner.”
“I personally love the flexibility of Wazuh because, as a Sysadmin, I can think of any use case and know I’ll be able to use Wazuh to pull in the logs and create the alerts that I need.”
“Wazuh was a crucial factor in our journey to gain deeper insights into our internal network activities.”

“Everything about this company is top-notch. From sales, to engineering, to training, every step of the way Wazuh outperforms every competitor within their class. I cannot possibly recommend this more!”
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