Companies around
the world trust in Wazuh

Numbers speak
for themselves:
30 million downloads
per year

We protect trillions of dollars of enterprise value across millions of endpoints.

Trusted by Fortune 100 organizations and hundreds of thousands of companies.

Why customers choose Wazuh

Woman using laptop

Wherever and however you choose

Whether you are looking for an on-premises, cloud, or hybrid solution, Wazuh is ready to work wherever you need it and in the most convenient way for you.

Easy scalability

Wazuh allows high and simple scalability, and adapts to the diverse needs of all sorts of organization types and sizes.

A comprehensive platform

Wazuh offers a wide range of use cases and services that help users manage the security of their system. We provide 360-degree security with just one platform.

Enhanced performance

Our single lightweight agent can be deployed to your computers, virtual machines, and containers, and installed on most operating systems providing maximum efficiency.

What our customers
say about us

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