Blog / Engineering / Blackbit ransomware detection with Wazuh
...'C:\Program Files (x86)\ossec-agent\active-response\bin\yara\rules\' 4. Edit the C:\Program Files e(x86)\ossec-agent\active-response\bin\yara\rules\yara_rules.yar file and add the following Blackbit YARA rules: rule _Blackbit_ransomware { meta: description = "Blackbit executable detection" author = "Anthony Faruna"...
Blog / Engineering / Kuiper ransomware detection and response with Wazuh
...meta: description = "Kuiper ransomware executable detection" author = "Anthony Faruna" reference = "" date = "2024-03-28" strings: $s1 = "os.(*ProcessState).Sys" fullword ascii $s2 = "os.(*ProcessState).sys" fullword ascii $s3 =...
Blog / Engineering / Detecting Lockbit 3.0 ransomware with Wazuh
Lockbit malware is regarded as one of the most notorious and active ransomware in existence since 2019. Lockbit ransomware makes use of a broad range of techniques to target critical...
Blog / Engineering / How to detect Active Directory attacks with Wazuh [Part 1 of 2]
Active Directory (AD) is the most widely used Identity and Access Management (IAM) technology for Windows domain networks in modern organizations. It is adopted by small, medium, and large enterprises...
Blog / Engineering / How to detect Active Directory attacks with Wazuh [Part 2 of 2]
Active Directory (AD) is the most widely used Identity and Access Management (IAM) technology for Windows domain networks in modern organizations. It is adopted by small, medium, and large enterprises...
Blog / Engineering / Monitoring SFX archives with Wazuh
Self-extracting archives (SFX) are executables that contain compressed data with a built-in code to extract the data when it executes. They are commonly used for packaging and distributing software installers,...
Blog / Engineering / CrossLock ransomware detection with Wazuh
CrossLock ransomware is a recent strain of ransomware developed using the Go programming language, making it harder to reverse engineer. The ransomware is capable of infecting several platforms, including Windows...
Blog / Engineering / Wazuh integration with Amazon Security Lake as a custom source
Amazon Security Lake is a fully managed service that helps organizations aggregate, store, and analyze security data from various sources, such as AWS services, on-premise logs, and third-party SaaS applications....